Imagine quickly guiding your clients, your loved ones, and yourself from emotional pain to inner-peace. 

Talk to Brett Save My Spot

As a certified Intuitive Trauma Recovery Coach (iTRC), you’ll be able to listen, follow your intuition, and facilitate a profound healing experience that provides a new lease on life. 

But in this program you are not just learning

You are experiencing the work yourself.

healing your own pain...

releasing your own trauma...

clearing you own ancestral karma...

Because then you can truly help others.

In just 3 months, you'll master powerful tools to quickly relieve emotional pain, heal traumatic memoriesstop suicidal ideation, reverse negative thinking, and mend soul memories.

This program awakens your intuition, teaches you 8 life-changing healing techniques, and delivers a proven structure to coach your most anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, and even suicidal clients to a place of lasting relief.

As a clinician, it was impressive feeling my own stress lift out of my body.
Gerri DeBenedetto, LCSW, NY
I was wrapped in the love and presence of my deceased son. It was so peaceful. Brett truly has a God-given gift.
Sandra Henderson, Ret. Hospice Ast.
I was depressed and suicidal. In 45 minutes that all changed. I owe my life to Brett. I learned how to cope with PTSD and be at peace within myself.
Rick Williamson, Army Veteran, Peer Support Specialist, MT
Battling depression, anxiety, and PTSD for decades. Brett guided me through the exact healing I needed. Life is sweet again. He's a “Miracle Worker” and I'm a miracle!
Rhonda Stockstill, Ret. USAF, FL


BC beach

Hi, I'm Brett Cotter, founder of Stress Is Gone and author of "3 Keys to Managing PTSD." 

Since 1999, I've dedicated my life to helping people heal emotional pain and trauma through coaching, meditation, and retreats. Stress Is Gone has delivered programs in Fortune 100 companies, military bases, correctional facilities, disaster sites, homeless shelters, rehabilitation centers, schools, the VA, and world-renowned retreat centers such as the Omega Institute, Kripalu, the Himalayan Institute, Sivananda Ashram, and the Tibet House. 

I also train crisis counselors in suicide prevention, serve as the trauma expert for Meditation University's Teacher Training Program, and teach weekly in our SIG Membership. I want to share my experience with you, because the world needs your special gifts more than ever. 


About Your Teacher

BC beach

Hi, I'm Brett Cotter, founder of Stress Is Gone and author of "3 Keys to Managing PTSD." 

Since 1999, I've dedicated my life to helping people heal emotional pain and trauma through my coaching practice and retreats. Stress Is Gone has delivered programs in fortune 100 companies, military bases, correctional facilities, disaster sites, homeless shelters, substance abuse centers, schools, the VA, and world-renowned wellness centers.

I train crisis counselors in suicide prevention and serve as the trauma expert for Meditation University's Teacher Training Program. Stress Is Gone is an authorized vendor for over 1800 schools and 700 government agencies. I want to share my experience with you because the world needs all your special gifts too.

I was blown away by Brett’s program. The TMR has helped my clients heal traumatic memories and several were astonished with the results.
Mery Vargas Mares, MFT, Grief & Loss Therapist, EMDR Trained Clinician
The wisdom Brett brings to his students is truly amazing. I accessed a deeper part of myself. I am so grateful I took this course.
Karen Proctor, LMSW
SIG unlocks the stress that makes clients feel trapped. This awakens their creativity to see the solutions that help rebuild their lives and relationships.
Nicci Eisenhauer, Crisis & Emergency Response Chaplain, NY
Brett provided extra time, found us opportunities outside the course, and was available offline. I couldn’t recommend a better person to learn from.
Bruce Philie, Navy Veteran, Certified Meditation Teacher & Hypnotherapist

Help Humanity Heal the Pain Inside the Body.

Our Program Trains You To

  • Awaken and strengthen your intuition
  • Remain clear as you hear your clients' pain
  • Quickly identify the source of suffering
  • Use tools to clear cellular & soul memory
  • Witness emotional pain release in minutes 
  • Structure your coaching sessions
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This Program Trains You To:

  • Strengthen and trust your intuition
  • Remain clear while hearing a client's or loved one's pain
  • Quickly identify the source of suffering & facilitate release in minutes 
  • Use practical tools to relieve stress, anxiety and negative thinking
  • Heal traumatic memories, stop suicidal ideation, and mend cellular & soul memory
  • Structure your coaching sessions to stay on track

 Learn these tools and much more...


 Learn these tools and more...

What Students Are Saying...

   "Brett gave our multiply traumatized adolescents in foster-care new belief in themselves, changing the most destructive clients to a more positive nature."

- Monique Trucchio, Supervisor, Family and Children's Association, NY 

Talk to Brett Save my spot

Our Comprehensive 3-Month Program Includes...

1 Live Training Per Week

Traditional teaching and breakout room experiential learning. 

Mon 9:30-10:30am ET

3 Live Meditations Per Week

Experience a powerful reconnection with your own divine essence.

MWF 9-9:30am ET

Office Hours For Added Support 

Open Q&A, discussing client scenarios, and laser-coaching.

Thurs 7-8pm ET

2 Live Movement Classes Per Week

Gentle movement to support and align your energy (optional).

T & Th 9-9:30am ET

    1-Year Access to SIG Membership

Meditation, movement, and training to maintain peace & clarity.

 The Stress Is Gone Masterclass

22 short, self-paced videos and to master the S.I.G. Method.

The Stress Is Gone Workbook & App  

Powerful tools to help you and your clients heal trauma and manage stress.

Wednesday Night Workshop Access

Group laser-coaching every 3rd Wednesday of the month.

30 hours live instruction with Brett. 1800 hours of content. Replays available.

Talk to brett Save My Spot
Brett taught us how to help others let their pain come up, gently look at the origins, and release the pain by shining divine light through it.
Kim Allen, Ordained Minister, Certified Meditation Teacher
Brett brings an incredible nurturing energy to the training and provided me with new tools I immediately integrated into my coaching practice.
Andrea Mitchell, Intuitive Mental Health & Creative Arts Therapist
I now have the confidence and skills to help with trauma. This course was healing for me and my family. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to learn trauma management skills.
Laura Caton, Mom of 4, Sound Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master
One of the most patient teachers I ever seen. Brett’s expertise handling trauma is commendable and the level of empathy and compassion was wonderful to witness.
Julie King, Herbalist, Woman’s Empowerment Coach, Reiki Healer

Your 12 Week Journey...

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Week 01 


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Week 02

Awaken Your Intuition 

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Week 03

Keep Your Sessions on Track  

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Week 04

Surface the Hidden Issue

Copy of SIG Circles (37)

Week 05

Coach with a Higher Power


Week 06

Tools for Stress & Emotional Pain

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Week 07

Tools to Heal Trauma & Our Inner-Child

Copy of SIG Circles (39)

Week 08

Tools for Anxiety & Negative Thinking

Copy of SIG Circles (5)

Week 09 

Tool for Suicidal Ideation

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Week 10

Tools for Karma, Soul Memory, etc.

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Week 11

Close Sessions with Confidence

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Week 12 

Enroll Ideal Clients

Talk to brett Save my spot

What Clients Are Saying...

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Brett's fascination with spirit began at age 5, when his late grandfather peacefully appeared before him. At 27, in his very first meditation, a triple out-of-body experience changed his life forever.

Shortly after, Brett experienced profound breakthroughs working with a healer who helped replace his fear of abandonment with endless unconditional love. This transformation inspired him to share this work with others. 

Brett completed training with Dr. Kam Yuen, a 35th Generation Shaolin Grandmaster and with Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing. He also studied technical remote viewing, astral projection, and DNA activation then soon began teaching his own intuitive healing modality.

In 2008, after completing his Meditation Teacher Training at the Himalayan Institute, Brett founded Stress Is Gone and has been working with individuals, families and organizations ever since.

Stress Is Gone Breathwork is certified by the American Institute of Stress, and Brett is certified by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. His training programs are accredited by the International Mindfulness & Meditation Alliance and The Meditation Organization.

Brett's office hours will offer invaluable guidance on achieving your career goals and discussing complex client scenarios.

As seen in

This is for you if you are ready to...

  • Help people heal trauma quicker with lasting results  
  • Activate your clinician intuition to help your patients  
  •  Practice our tools on yourself and then with your clients     
  • Express more of your gifts to make the world a better place 

Help clients break free from the past and find inner-peace that lasts.

Talk to brett Save My Spot


Questions? We've got answers.

Please use the form below if you have additional questions.

Certification students are required each week to experience;

  • 3 Live SIG Meditations (MWF 9am - 9:30am ET) or recordings in the membership at your convenience
  • 1 Live Training (Mon 9:30am - 10:30am ET) or 1 Live Office Hours session (Thurs 7pm - 8pm ET) and watching the replay of any missed training  

* The more live trainings you attend, the more practice you will have and the more information you will absorb. This impacts your ability to pass the practical exam at the end of the program. 

Our live calls will take place on Zoom with replays in our private Fb group. You can go through the recorded content at your own pace: the 6-module Masterclass, the Workbook, and the Meditation-Movement-Training Libraries. In our 12 training calls I will be teaching, opening time for questions, and you'll be practicing the techniques with fellow classmates in breakout rooms healing any unresolved issues as you learn. Office hours will be an open Q&A session. 

Our first Monday Training is 9/9/2024 and our last Thursday Office Hours is 12/12/2024. Once we begin we'll continue through Thursday Oct. 10, taking a 1-week break during the week of Oct. 14 (for our trauma recovery retreat at Kripalu). Training resumes the week of Oct. 21 and continues through November 21, taking a 1-week break during the week of Nov. 25 (for the Thanksgiving Holiday). The final two weeks of training occur through the week of Dec. 2 with the final office hours on Dec 12.

Yes! There will be office hours every Thursday where you can ask me anything and get the support you desire. You can also get support in our private FaceBook Group. If you would like 1-on-1 coaching from me, you will have a 50% discount on all coaching programs for 1-year after the program starts. 

After you’ve completed all the live calls, classes, modules, and worksheets, if you feel the course did not deliver on what it said it would, you can have a refund.  

After the course is completed; when students are ready they schedule an oral exam to demonstrate they understand the core components of the program. As students pass they receive their certification document. If they do not pass they have 6 months to study, reschedule, and pass. 

The proven techniques to rapidly help others, high-touch access to the teacher, and the community-bond are just some of the things that set this program apart. For those who truly engage; the speed, depth and breadth of your learning, and the effectiveness of the practical skills you develop to help people are all game-changers. Your access to Brett will be greater than you've had to teachers in most other programs. The personal attention to career growth, as well as the amount of personal growth you experience as you learn the tools will catapult you to a next level in life.

You will be able to confidently address a variety of situations with your clients. You will be able to use your intuition to help surface the source of your clients' issue that was buried in the depths of the subconscious. You will also be able to gently guide your clients through periods of immense pain to endless relief by intuitively knowing exactly what tool to use in any intense situation. Top students with multiple SIG certifications can be listed on our website to serve SIG overflow clients.   

It means Stress Is Gone Certifies that you are a Intuitive Trauma Recovery Coach, who can successfully help clients through various types of stress, anxiety, emotional pain, negative thinking, and suicidal ideation. 

Yes, you will be able to successfully coach clients after this training but if you are not a mental health professional and have not taken any prior training, coaching, or retreats with Brett the prerequisite is doing the SIG Masterclass. If you fall into this category and want to join the program purchase the iTRC program now to save your spot and then purchase and complete the Masterclass before September 8th, 2024. 

Both approaches revisit the original traumatic memory. EMDR is an amazing psychotherapy technique that can involve repeatedly revisiting a traumatic memory while a therapist guides the patient through bilateral stimulation movements naturally (such as eye movements or tapping back and fourth) or assisted by technology (using a light bar, headphones, etc) to activate both sides of the brain to re-program the memory so it no longer solely lives in the amygdala which activates the fight-or-flight response when the memory comes to mind. 

The S.I.G. Method revisits the memory usually once, doesn't require equipment or technology, and re-programs the memory using pure life-force energy. The coach intuitively surfaces the original traumatic memory fueling the client's stress-anxiety-depression and guides the individual to express all their emotions regarding the original trauma. Once the emotions are fully expressed the coach guides the client through a few mantras to anchor their true identity that has no fear and is completely free. S.I.G. sessions are highly cathartic, requiring the client to feel and express deep emotions, and repeat intuitive mantras to release emotional pain. 





Both approaches revisit the original traumatic memory. EMDR is an amazing psychotherapy technique that can involve repeatedly revisiting a traumatic memory while a therapist guides the patient through side to side eye movement (and possibly other exercises) using technology to activate both sides of the brain to re-program the memory so it no longer solely lives in the amygdala which activates the fight-or-flight response when the memory comes to mind. 

The S.I.G. Method revisits the memory usually once, doesn't require equipment or technology, and re-programs the memory using pure life-force energy. The coach intuitively surfaces the original traumatic memory fueling the client's stress-anxiety-depression and guides the individual to express all their emotions regarding the original trauma. Once the emotions are fully expressed the coach guides the client through a few mantras to embody their true identity that has no fear and is completely free. S.I.G. sessions are highly cathartic, requiring the client to feel and express deep emotions, and repeat intuitive mantras to release emotional pain.     

The Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) is vital in today's society because so many people are stressed out, feeling traumatized, and can easily be triggered and deeply upset during routine interactions in the healthcare and social services systems. Usually TIC involves three components: (1) realizing trauma is prevalent in our society; (2) recognizing how trauma affects everyone involved in an organization or program; and (3) by putting this knowledge into action. TIC acknowledges the need to understand a patient's life experiences in order to deliver effective care and educates the provider how to improve patient engagement, treatment, and health outcomes. One of the purposes is to not re-traumatize patients during interactions with the provider. In the past patients used to say a doctor or nurse had a good or bad bedside manner. As institutions adopt TIC the patient experience and engagement moves in much more positive and satisfied direction.    

The success of the S.I.G. Method is based on the emotional connection and trust between coach and client. The purpose of the S.I.G. approach is to help the client activate, express, and release all the pain at the source of their trauma and replace that space with their true identity. This purpose fundamentally differs with that of TIC, which is to not activate the patient's stress.

TIC is vital for patients to have good experiences in institutions and with professionals who are not highly specialized is helping people heal the emotional pain inside their trauma. While the S.I.G. Method is vital for those moments when a person is ready to face, embrace, and let go of their pain.   


Save your spot & enroll in this life-changing program today!

Scholarships Available ~ Learn More Below

One Payment In Full


  • 12 Live Training Sessions 
  • 36 Live Guided Meditations
  • 24 Movement Classes
  • 12 Office Hours Sessions 
  • 1-Year Access to SIG Membership ($180 value)
  • The 6-Module Masterclass ($197 value)
  • The Stress Is Gone Workbook + Mobile App ($25 value)
  • 50% Off Coaching for 1-Year (priceless)

3 Month Payment Plan

3 Payments of $699

  • 12 Live Training Sessions 
  • 36 Live Guided Meditations
  • 24 Movement Classes
  • 12 Office Hours Sessions 
  • 1-Year Access to SIG Membership ($180 value)
  • The 6-Module Masterclass ($197 value)
  • The Stress Is Gone Workbook + Mobile App ($25 value)
  • 50% Off Coaching for 1-Year (priceless)

 Limited Scholarships Available from Aug 13 - Sept 9

Mental Health Professionals 33%

Pay in Full $1299 - Enroll Now

3 Payment Plan $433 - Enroll Now

Military Veteran / Active Duty 33%

 Pay in Full $1299 - Enroll Now

3 Payment Plan $433 - Enroll Now

Educators 33%

Pay in Full $1299 - Enroll Now

3 Payment Plan $433 - Enroll Now 


Stress Is Gone Members 33%

Pay in Full $1299 - Enroll Now

3 Payment Plan $433 - Enroll Now

Meditation University 25%

Pay in Full $1499 - Enroll Now

3 Payment Plan $499 - Enroll Now

AIS and AAETS Members 25%

Pay in Full $1499 - Enroll Now

3 Payment Plan $499 - Enroll Now 


If you have questions about the program or scholarships , use this contact form and we will respond within 48 hours.

Thanks so much. We will reply shortly.
  • Stress Is Gone

    Everyone said how profound and amazing their experience was. It is teachers like Brett Cotter who truly remind me why I am still at Omega after 18 years.

    Veronica Domingo, NY , Dir. Programs, OMEGA Institute

  • Stress Is Gone

    His class reviews are exceptional. One of the things I love most about Brett is his never ending source of generosity. I feel lucky to be his friend.

    Ross Gutler, NY , CEO, NY Open Center

  • Stress Is Gone

    Brett is an amazing healer. His workshops continue to make a difference in people’s lives. He's touched so many through his untiring efforts to serve others.

    COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs, TX , CEO Warriors For Life / Victory for Veterans

  • Stress Is Gone

    Our clients were literally transformed. I am surprised and grateful for the attitude change. Talk about working magic, can we bottle this?

    Vera Jacobs Simmons , Program Coord., Coalition for the Homeless

  • Stress Is Gone

    Brett did a workshop for our women's domestic violence group. He helped people move through their abandonment and betrayal to self-love and heal the anxiety, anger, and sorrow. It was powerful.

    Karen Ifert , Center for Empowerment & Education, CT

  • Stress Is Gone

    Celebrating the collaboration with Brett Cotter, reflecting on the depth and positivity of his teachings. Brett's retreats shine as examples of how guided exploration can lead to transformative experiences, a testament to the power of his engaging approach.

    Brian Fulp , Retreat Center Dir., Himalayan Institute

  • Stress Is Gone

    Our AmpSurf instructors have taught thousands of disabled veterans, first responders, and children to surf. Brett taught our instructors how to spot, assist, and quickly de-escalate anyone stressed in the water. His workbook is part of our training materials.

    Dana Cummings , AmpSurf Founder, USMC Veteran

  • Stress Is Gone

    Brett quickly brought us to a place of calmness and clarity. His guided visualization is now a part of our training program.

    DiDi Marcal , Vol. & Bev. Coord., Jansen Hospice

  • Stress Is Gone

    Brett worked with our psychiatrically disabled adults in such a unique way everyone participated, even staff joined the group. We can't wait to have him back!

    Audrey Goodman , Coord., New Horizons Counseling Center