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Stress is Gone FOR businesses

Well Being That Works 

"Our clients who attended were literally transformed. Can we bottle this?"

~ Vera Jacobs, Coalition for the Homeless, NYC

Contact us

Your home for year-round relief. 

Stress Is Gone delivers an engaging mind-body wellness program that includes training, coaching, meditation, movement, and a mobile app to ensure your staff receives exactly what each individual needs.

Our Comprehensive Program Includes...

3 Live Meditation Classes Per Week

Easy & enjoyable guided relaxation for deep stress relief.

2 Live Movement Classes Per Week

Gentle exercises to boost energy & reduce tension.

Weekly Interactive Trainings

Experiential learning and support groups on a variety of topics.

Monthly Live Coaching Call

Group and 1-1 coaching on Zoom to address high-stress situations.

 Access to the SIG Membership

Meditation, movement, and training libraries for instant peace & clarity.

The Stress Is Gone Masterclass

Easy video course and fun quizzes to master the SIG Method.

The SIG Mobile App + Workbook 

Effective tools for on-the-spot relief and lasting change.

Optional 1-1 Private Coaching

Personalized support to help your staff manage stress & anxiety.

Why Choose Stress Is Gone?

  • Rapid Relief: Powerful on-the-spot relief and lasting change for stress and anxiety.
  • Tools For Life: Simple, effective tools your staff can use both at work and at home.
  • Customized Support: Tailored content and flexible delivery allows your staff to engage in their ideal way.
  • Interactive Experiences: These are not passive lectures. Interactive coaching and experiential classes bring lasting change.
  • Community Building:  Foster deeper bonds and more authentic connections through growth.
  • Affordability: Our program offers an affordable way to invest in your staff.
Stress Is Gone
DiDi Marcal - Bereavement Program Coordinator, Jansen Hospice, l NY

“The class quickly brought us to a place of calmness and clarity. The facilitator passed along a tool to help people relax and be authentic in stressful situations. This class is now a part of our training program.”

Bereavement Program Coordinator, Jansen Hospice, l NY

Stress Is Gone
Audrey Goodman - Coord., New Horizons Counseling Center, NY

“We are so excited about the Stress Is Gone program Brett introduced for psychiatrically disabled adults. He presented the use of exercise, affirmations, and meditation in such a unique way that everyone, including staff, was comfortable participating.”

Coord., New Horizons Counseling Center, NY

Stress Is Gone
Monique Trucchio -  MSW Supervisor, Family and Children's Association, NY

“Brett has been working with our multiply traumatized adolescents in the foster care system. He provides a safe, non-judgmental, and empowering environment in 1:1 and group sessions. He shares the tools they need to reduce stress and has given them a new belief in themselves; changing the behavior of the most jaded clients to a more positive nature.”

MSW Supervisor, Family and Children's Association, NY

Meet Your Instructors


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Brett Cotter has over two decades of expertise helping people recover from overwhelm and anxiety.  His signature method has been taught in Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, schools, nonprofits, military bases, disaster sites, and world-renowned retreat centers. Brett is certified by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and accredited by the International Mindfulness & Meditation Alliance, and the Stress Is Gone Method is certified by the American Institute of Stress.

Stefanie Cotter is a movement teacher, acupuncturist, and wellness expert with a Masters in Eastern Medicine. Her classes and talks help boost energy, enhance well-being, and support healthy habits

Where We've Worked...

What People Are Saying

  • Stress Is Gone

    “Brett helped me identify the root cause of my stress and form a new way of thinking about it. I felt empowered, truly heard, and have been able to make lasting changes in how I respond to stress.”

    Assistant Principal

  • Stress Is Gone

    “As a clinician, it was impressive seeing the work on others and feeling my own stress being lifted out of my body. Brett is a breath of fresh air!”


  • Stress Is Gone

    “As I travel on my mission of veteran suicide prevention, I refer anyone in crisis to Brett. He helps people release pain and reconnect with purpose. His work has helped so many.”

    Founder, National Veteran Resources

  • Stress Is Gone

    “I never expected that in the first 5 minutes, Brett would be able to nail the core source of my trauma and give me the words to move on.”

    New York

Customized Trainings & Support Group Options:

  • Stress Is Gone 101
  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Daily Stress Management 
  • 5 Habits to Live with Less Stress 
  • Workplace Triggers
  • How to Be Stress Smart
  • Beating Burn Out
  • Managing Family Stress 
  • Loss / Grief 
  • Optimizing Sleep and Energy
  • Seasonal Eating and Wellness
  • Everyday Breathwork 
  • Naturally Boost Your Energy 
  • Self-Acupressure to Reduce Pain and Tension 
  • Parents with Children on the Autism Spectrum
  • Dealing with Children Who Are Struggling
  • Caring for Aging Parents
  • And More...